Sitios Generales - General Sites
Éste proyecto
This project
Project Disappeared Blog
Listas detalladas de desaparecidos y represores.
Detailed lists of the disappeared and their torturers and killers
del gobierno norteamericano sobre los desaparecidos en Argentina
Declassified documents from the US government on the disappeared in Argentina
Web sobre los desaparecidos mayormente en inglés.
Information about the disappeared in English. Sobrevivientes - Survivors
Association of Former Detained-Disappeared
Memory and Resistance of Political Prisoners Organismos de Familiares - Family Organizations
Mothers of Plaza de Mayo - Founding Line
Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association
La linea dirigida por Hebe de Bonafini, cuyo trabajo es más político.
The group directed by Hebe de Bonafini. The Mothers split in two some years ago, and this group is more political in nature.
Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo
Grupos regionales: Capital, Mar del Plata, Chaco, Córdoba, Paraná (Entre Ríos), Rosario (Santa Fé)
Hijos HolandaHerman@s de Desaparecidos por Verdad y Justicia
Siblings of the Disappeared for Truth and Justice
Center for Legal and Social Studies
Organismos Regionales - Regional organizations
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Provincial Commission for Memory
Association for the Investigation of Galician Disappeared Gobierno
Human Rights Secretariat
National Commission for the Right to Identity Juicios
News on the Trials
Incluye las causas: Batallón 601, Centro clandestino ESMA, Primer Cuerpo, Plan Cóndor, Masacre de Margarita Belén, Masacre de Trelew y Tercer cuerpo de Cordoba
Trial against Scilingo and Caballo in Spain
Juicios en Italia contra los represores argentinos
Italian criminal procedures against Argentine repressors
Red que impulsa causas por los desaparecidos frente a la justicia
Justice Now - Network that works for criminal procedures against human rights violators Identificaciones
Latinoamerican Initiative for the Identification of Disappeared Persons
Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team Memoria
Alianza de Ongs de DDHH que promueve acciones en favor de la memoria
Project by HR NGOs to promote actions on behalf of memory
Muestra fotográfica Actividades
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